

Major Treatments

  • Semen analysis
  • Transvaginal ultrasound
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  • Social Egg Freezing (SEF)

Others Services

  • Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
  • Blastocyst Culture
  • Assisted Hatching
  • Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
  • Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS)
  • Time Lapse Incubator


IVF - Fresh Embryo Transfer 

Previous Cycle:
First visit is required before you start your treatment.

Timeline of Treatment Cycle (Antagonist Protocol)

Treatment Cycle Details Location
Cycle D1 contact us through official line account or give us a call for better follow-up Home
Cycle D3 start to inject yourself as your primary fertility doctor's order Home
Cycle D8-D10 Monitoring Visit
involves a follicle monitoring ultrasound and bloodwork to track the development of a follicle(follicles)
Cycle D12-D15 Egg Retrieval Day
Your spouse's sperm sample is required on the day of egg retrieval. After this procedure, you will relax in our recovery room for 1-2 hours. 
The Day after
Egg Retrieval

Fertilization Report
Our Lab will give you a call respecting how many have fertilized.


3 or 5 days after
Egg Retrieval

Embryo Transfer Day
One or more recently developed embryos from the current cycle of IVF are transferred into the uterus- often 3 to 5 days after egg retrieval

Two weeks after
Fresh Embryo

Pregnancy Test
You may schedule a Beta HCG blood test 14 days after your embryo transfer.

To limit the disruption to your work and ife, patients only need to stay 7 to 10 days in Taiwan.
Monitoring visits usually involves 1-2 appointments, though more appointments may be needed.

Above is a general overview of what a step-by-step IVF timeline looks like. These timing can vary somewhat, according to patient's needs and preferences, individual infertility factors and body's hormone level.


IVF-Frozen Embryo Transfer

Previous Cycle:
First visit is required before you start your treatment.

Timeline of Treatment Cycle
-Egg Retrieval Cycle (Antagonist Protocol)

Treatment Cycle Details Location
Cycle D1 contact us through official line account or give us a call for better follow-up Home
Cycle D3 start to inject yourself as your primary fertility doctor's order Home
Cycle D8-D10 Monitoring Visit
involves a follicle monitoring ultrasound and bloodwork to track the development of a follicle (follicles).
Cycle D12-D15 Egg Retrieval Day
Your spouse's sperm sample is required on the day of egg retrieval. After this procedure, you will relax in our recovery room for 1-2 hours and we will arrange an appointment with your primary fertility doctor to further discuss your treatment plan.
The Day after Egg Retrieval Fertilization Report
Our Lab will give you a call respecting how many have fertilized.

To limit the disruption to your work and life, patients only need to stay 5 to 7 days in Taiwan.
Monitoring visits usually involves 1-2 appointments, though more appointments may be needed.


-Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycle (Hormone-regulated Cycle)

Treatment Cycle Details Location
Cycle D1 contact us through official line account or give us a call for better follow-up  Home
Cycle D3-D5 start to take oral medication as your primary fertility doctor's order Home
Cycle D17-D20 Monitoring Visit
involves a monitoring ultrasound and bloodwork to determine when would be best for your embryo transfer day 
Cycle D24-D27 Embryo Transfer Day
Frozen embryos are thawed and transferred into the uterus after optimal preparation of the lining of the uterus.
Two weeks after Embryo Transfer 

Pregnancy Test
You may schedule a Beta HCG blood test 14 days after your embryo after Embryo transfer


To limit the disruption to your work and life, patients only need to stay 5 to 8 days in Taiwan.
Monitoring visits usually involves 1-2 appointments, though more appointments may be needed.

Above is a general overview of what an IVF-FET timeline looks like. These timing can vary somewhat, according to patient's needs and preferences, individual infertility factors and body's hormone level.



Previous Cycle:
First visit is required before you start your treatment.

Timeline of Treatment Cycle
-Egg Retrieval Cycle (Antagonist Protocol)

Treatment Cycle Details Location
Cycle D1 contact us through official line account or give us a call for better follow-up  Home
Cycle D3 start to inject yourself as your primary fertility doctor's order Home
Cycle D8-D9 Monitoring Visit
involves a follicle monitoring ultrasound and bloodwork to track the development of a follicle (follicles).
Cycle D12-D15 Egg Retrieval Day
Your spouse's sperm sample is required on the day of egg retrieval. After this procedure, you will relax in our recovery room for 1-2 hours and we will arrange an appointment with your primary fertility doctor to further discuss your treatment plan.
The day after Egg Retrieval Fertilization Report
Our Lab will give you a call respecting how many have fertilized.
Six Days after Egg Retrieval Trophectoderm Embryo Biopsy
Trophectoderm embryo biopsy will be performed and sent to genetic company for genetic screening.
Two weeks after Biopsy PGS Report
We will contact you while your PGS report has released.

To limit the disruption to your work and life, patients only need to stay 5 to 7 days in Taiwan.
Monitoring visits usually involves 1-2 appointments, though more appointments may be needed.


-Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycle (Hormone-regulated Cycle)

Treatment Cycle Details Location
Cycle D1 contact us through official line account or give us a call for better follow-up  Home
Cycle D3-D5 start to take oral medication as your primary fertility doctor's order Home
Cycle D17-D20 Monitoring Visit
involves a monitoring ultrasound and bloodwork to determine when would be best for your embryo transfer day 
Cycle D24-D27 Embryo Transfer Day
PGS-tested embryos will be thawed and transferred into the uterus after optimal preparation of the lining of the uterus.
Two weeks after Embryo Transfer Pregnancy Test
You may schedule a Beta HCG blood test 14 days after your embryo after Embryo transfer

To limit the disruption to your work and life, patients only need to stay 5 to 8 days in Taiwan.
Monitoring visits usually involves 1-2 appointments, though more appointments may be needed.

Above is a general overview of what an IVF-PGS timeline looks like. These timing can vary somewhat, according to patient's needs and preferences, individual infertility factors and body's hormone level.


Egg Freezing

Previous Cycle:
First visit is required before you start your treatment.

Timeline of Treatment Cycle
-Egg Retrieval Cycle (Antagonist Protocol)

Treatment Details Location
Cycle D1 contact us through official line account or give us a call for better follow-up  Home
Cycle D3 start to inject yourself as your primary ferility doctor's order Home
Cycle D8-D10  Monitoring Visit
involves a follicle monitoring ultrasound and bloodwork to track the development of a follicle (follicles).
Cycle D12-D15 

Egg Retrieval Day
After this procedure, you will relax in our recovery room for 1-2 hours and then head home to rest.

The day after Egg Retrieval 

Vitrification and Storage
Our lab will give you a call respecting how many eggs have matured and stored for future use.


To limit the disruption to your work and life, patients only need to stay 4 to 5 days in Taiwan.
Monitoring visits usually involves 1-2 appointments, though more appointments may be needed.

Above is a general overview of what an Egg Freezing timeline looks like. These timing can vary somewhat, according to patient's needs and preferences, individual infertility factors and body's hormone level.


Egg Recipient Program

-Timeline of Egg Recipient program

Details Estimated Time Location
Anytime in your cycle First visit
(Bring both you and your spouse's passport and your past reproductive health report if available)
-Documents to sign
-Visit notary office for notarial services 
-Sperm Freezing
-Reproductive assessment (ultrasound scan, blood work and semen analysis etc.) 
-Discuss your treatment plan with your primary fertility doctor
Stay at least 2 days in Taiwan Taiwan/
  Waiting for your potential egg donor 3 months - 6 months Home
  Egg donor start to enter her treatment cycle One month Home
  Inform you with respect to how many eggs have been retrieved and fertilized
If you choose to go with PGS program, we will further give you an update on how many trophectoderm embryo biopsies have been performed and PGS results)
3 weeks Home
  Patients may get prepared to enter Frozen Embryo Cycle as your primary doctor's order.
(See the potential timeline below)

To limit the disruption to your work and life, patients only need to stay 2 days in Taiwan. 

-Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycle (Hormone-regulated Cycle)

Treatment Cycle Details Location
Cycle D1: contact us through official line account or give us a call for better follow-up  Home
Cycle D3-D5: start to take oral medication as your primary fertility doctor's order. Home
Cycle D17-20: Monitoring Visit
involves a monitoring ultrasound and bloodwork to determine when would be best for your embryo transfer day.
Cycle D24-D27: Embryo Transfer Day
(PGS-tested) embryos will be thawed and transferred into the womb after optimal preparation of the lining of the uterus.
Two Weeks after Embryo Transfer  Pregnancy Test
You may schedule a Beta HCG blood test 14 days after your embryo transfer.

To limit the disruption to your work and life, patients only need to stay 5 to 8 days in Taiwan. 
Monitoring visits usually involves 1-2 appointments, though more appointments may be needed.

Above is a general overview of what an Egg Recipient program timeline looks like. These timing can vary somewhat, according to patient's needs and preferences, individual infertility factors and body's hormone level.