What are the steps of IUI?Click to see more details

Your cycle Day 1 (first day of full bleed, any time during the day)
Baseline Check
This accompanies an ultrasound assessment to measure your antral follicle count (AFC) and assure there are no significant ovarian cysts. These measurement parameters signal the best time to start a treatment cycle. Once your primary fertility doctor has reviewed the results of your baseline ultrasound, we will see whether this is a good cycle to get started and begin to tailor your own fertility treatment plan.
Follicle Stimulation
We try to maximize your chances of success by generating as many mature eggs as possible in an IUI cycle. The stimulation phase involves the fertility shots and medication for 6-8 days, to induce the ovaries to produce as many mature eggs as possible.
Monitoring Visit
Monitoring visit in general involves a follicle monitoring ultrasound and a blood test to track the development of a follicle (or follicles) and monitor for ovulation. We may want you to visit the clinic more frequently towards the end of the stimulation phase. This usually involves 1-2 appointments, though more appointments may be needed.
A semen sample will be washed by the lab and a catheter will then be used to insert the sperm directly to the uterus. The IUI procedure takes only a few minutes and involves minimal discomfort.
Progesterone support
You will be given instructions for progesterone supplementation for your IUI. The progesterone is usually administered via vaginal suppositories.
Pregnancy Test
Your primary fertility doctor will likely to schedule a hCG blood test 14 days after your IUI. And will most likely order an ultrasound during your early pregnancy before releasing you to a regular obstetrician.
Transvaginal Ultrasound
A vaginal ultrasound will be performed to see whether this is a good cycle to get started.
Fertility Shots & Medication
Your primary fertility doctor will prescribe medication specific to your body and treatment plan, it is usually in the form of injection and oral medication.
Transvaginal Ultrasound
Your fertility doctor will monitor your response to the fertility shots with a follicle monitoring ultrasound.
Trigger Shot
Once the ovarian follicles have achieved an adequate size, a“trigger shot” of a large dose of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is given to induce final maturation of the eggs.
The timing of this injection needs to be very precise.
Collect a semen sample
On the day of the IUI , your male partner needs to provide his semen sample as well.
Progesterone support
You will be given instructions for progesterone supplementation for your IUI. The progesterone is usually administered via vaginal suppositories.
A blood pregnancy test (hCG level) will be scheduled, approximately 12-14 days after IUI.
Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
IUI is the placement of processed sperms into the uterine cavity of a woman with patent fallopian tubes to facilitate pregnancy.
Under what circumstances will IUI needed?
First of all, couples have to go through basic infertility examinations. Female should ensure at least one side of her fallopian tube is open and both uterine cavity and ovary are free of diseases. On the other hand, male should confirm he carries sperms with enough quantity and mobility. The couple can then consider IUI treatment under the following situations:
- Failed in postcoital test
- Antisperm antibody positive
- Fail to get pregnant after regular unprotected sexual intercourse over 6 cycles
- Ovulation failure
- Unexplained infertility
- Age issue and Eager for Pregnancy
- Fail to have regular sexual intercourse
Female may undergo mild ovarian stimulation to Increase the number of mature oocytes available. On the day of IUI, the husband’s semen sample is processed to remove seminal fluid, dead sperm and debris. Through the process of sperm washing, the risk of disease in the male providing the sperm that would infect the woman or offspring can be brought to negligible levels.
IUI is just like any other pelvic exam, the wife will simply need to lay down for 30 minutes after the surgery and then may leave for home. Generally speaking, it will take the Blastocyst to reach uterine cavity in 5-6 days, therefore, female will have to take progesterone starting from the second day after the surgery, in order to benefit the implantation.
IUI will not cause any pain. It is normal that there will be small amount of vaginal discharge and blood. Please remain your daily routine and there is no taboo on diet, but please avoid carrying heavy stuff.
Successful rate
IUI successful rate will varies depend on the couples’ age, health condition, quality of sperm and egg, as well as the reaction to the medication. The successful rate of IUI (once) would be around 20-30%. Most of the IUI patients (80-90%) will get pregnant after 4 times of treatments. Therefore, it is not recommended to conduct 5-6 times IUI.
Influencing factors
- Ovulation drugs used and the amount of follicles that are stimulated
- Quality and mobility of sperm
- Level of pelvic adhesions
- Condition of pelvic cavity